Shri Khudiram Bose was born on 3rd December 1889, in Medinipur district of West Bengal. His parents passed away when he was just six years old. Soon he came in contact with revolutionaries, such as Barindra Kumar Ghosh, and joined the revolutionary movement against British rule at the age of 15, and started working as a volunteer. During the time he was arrested by the colonial rulers for distributing anti-British booklets among local people. After his release, he targeted the colonial government’s officials and placed bombs near police stations. Bose was also a member of ‘Anushilan Samiti’, which was an organization that supported revolutionary activities against British rule. In April 1908, having the intention to assassinate Chief Presidency Magistrate Douglas Kingsford, Bose along with Prafulla Chaki (fellow revolutionary) threw a bomb on a carriage in Muzzafarpur. Unfortunately, two women who were traveling in the carriage were killed by mistake. After this mishappening Shri Prafulla Chaki shot himself before the police could catch him. On the other hand, Khudiram Bose was arrested by the police and was sentenced to death after being found guilty. Reports say on 11th August 1904, at the Muzaffarpur jail, Bose had a smile on his face and Bhagavad Gita in one of his hands during his execution.

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