

Born: 26th December 1899 

Died: 31st July 1940

Shaheed Udham Singh’s name has been etched within the top ranks of the famous freedom fighters of India. Sher Singh was born to a converted Sikh family, at Surnam, Sangur district of Punjab. His father’s name was Sardar Tehal Singh Jammu, who worked as a railway crossing watchman and a farmer. When their father died, his elder brother and Singh both were moved to Central Khalsa orphanage in Putlighar, Punjab. His name ‘Udham Singh’ was given to him in the orphanage. He left the Orphanage in 1919 after passing his matriculation examination. He achieved support and recognition for the assassination of  Michael O’Dwyer (the former lieutenant governor) in London. The assassination was in revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre which took 379 innocent lives and over 1200 wounded. Udham Singh Ji is also known as Shaheed-E-Azam i.e. The Great Martyr.

He was highly influenced by Bhagat Singh and started following his revolutionary group. Soon he became a member of the Ghadar Party. Once he was arrested by the Punjab Police for having unlicensed arms. After his release from jail, he was being monitored by Punjab police, but soon he escaped to Kashmir and then Germany. There he secretly planned the assassination of Michael O’Dwyer. In 1940, on March 13th Michael O’Dwyer was supposed to speak at the East India Association and the Central Asian Society’s joining meeting. Udham Singh had a revolver with him kept in a book, which he bought from a soldier in a pub. As the meeting started he shot Michael O’Dwyer and surrendered. He was taken in custody and was investigated and questioned multiple times, but Udham Singh remained true to his words that O’Dwyer was responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and deserved it. During the period of his custody, he called himself “Ram Mohammad Singh Azad” which reflects three religions. Soon after the investigation, he was officially charged with the murder of Michael O’Dwyer and was hanged on the 31st of July 1940.

Shaheed Udham Singh’s remains are preserved in Amritsar at Jallianwala Bagh. Every statue of him is paid tribute with flowers and several marches and organised to pay tribute to him every 31st of July at Surnam.


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