Mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body structure of a fungus (microorganism). It is grown by various methods on land, soil or any source of food etc. In India, earlier its production was limited to the winter season, but with the development of technology, it is produced almost throughout the year on small, medium and large scale by adopting various methods/technology. At the level of different technology, it is seen that generally there are two types of mushrooms i.e. edible and non-edible mushrooms.A. bisporus is the fourth species of mushroom cultivated in the world, accounting for 15% of the global production of edible mushrooms. A. bisporusis low in calories and sugar. They are high in protein and vitamin D and are also a source of vitamin B12. White mushrooms are rich in several bioactive compounds that may protect against cancer and heart disease, as well as help with blood sugar control and improving gut health.But among the non-edible mushrooms, some types of mushrooms should not be eaten as they produce toxins like podophyllotoxin, amatoxin etc.


Research Scholar, Department of Botany
Faculty of Science, SVSU, Meerut

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