I guess we drifted apart so many times, but we always got back in different ways, different definitions but today I willingly and sadly say goodbye to your arms, those arms that beheld me when angry, sad, confused, childish, terrified, and loved, a long chain of few seconds were I resided in your arms, each had a meaning, each ran into my veins and reshaped a home where I survived, that welcoming one, that appreciation hug, that one filled with tears, that one where I wished to hug your sadness, that one revealing shared joy, that passionate one, and 100 of safe ones that gave me hope and peace, that made feel less alone, but nothing in life can remain intact, nothing stays forever, so today I say goodbye to them and to a very dear part of me…

It feels strangely beautiful when I am away from everyone. I hate to be known and to be touched. I did rather sit and stare at the graveyard of stars. I do not mind the darkness that will surround me. I was once held and seen. And none of these left me safe. You know perhaps the truth behind this is that I did not like to be safe in the absence. All I wanted was to be held and to be seen.

The absence left me bruised

But my presence sufficed it…


By: – Himanshu Agarwal
         Assistant Professor ECE


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