A superfood is defined as “a food that is rich in compounds such as antioxidants, fibre, or fatty acids considered beneficial to a person’s health.
So today we know about 5 superfood
- Garlic-(Hindi name: lehsun)
Garlic is a nutrient-rich plant food used for its medicinal benefits for centuries it is rich in Vit-B6, and selenium and also Garlic has sulphur-containing compounds it is useful for supporting immune function and reducing the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
- Ginger-(Hindi name: adrak)
Ginger is used for its flavour and potential medicinal effects. It is useful in treating nausea, and pain and also preventing certain chronic diseases such as heart disease, dementia and certain cancers. Ginger contains many phenolic compounds such as ginger oil, shogaol and paradol that exhibit antioxidant, anti-tumour and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Turmeric – (Hindi name: Haldi)
The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, associated with several medicinal effects. Curcumin is not easily absorbed and should be paired with substances that enhance its absorption, such as black pepper. It also aids wound healing and pain reduction. Studies show that curcumin may effectively treat and prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. It has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
- Cinnamon- (Hindi name: Dalchini)
Cinnamon contains large amounts of highly potent polyphenol antioxidants. They are incredibly important to counter Inflammation in our body. It helps the body fight infections and repair tissue damage. However, inflammation can become a problem when it’s chronic and directed against your body’s tissues. Cinnamon may be useful in this regard. Studies show that this spice and its antioxidants have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon also increased “good” HDL cholesterol levels
- Nuts and seeds– (Hindi name: mewa&beej)
All nuts are not created equal, but all are good. They contain protein and fibre and can make you feel full. Eating just a handful as an afternoon snack is sufficient. Nuts and seeds are also important sources of healthy fats. Walnuts, flax meal and chia seeds all contain ALA omega-3 fats, which are converted to EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, WHO recommends that regular intake of omega-3 fats will help protect the brain, in particular. They have extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties.
Dr. Sumanlata, Naturopathy & Yoga Physician
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of AYUSH
Swami VivekanandSubharti University, Meerut